What is meant by %Real Terms? Eighth column from left
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What is meant by %Real Terms? Eighth column from left
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my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
'Just for the sake of argument suppose that we assume' that we forget everything we have learned for the past 500 years.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Sorry. To be exact, "....just for the sake of argument suppose that we assume...'
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
The flat earthers could use Splanes' classic overlapping introduction when they get started, ' ... Now, let's just assume for the sake of argument..."
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
For the love of of Pete - stop caring what their say, I mean them say, I mean there say, I mean.... oh the heck with it!
From the first 90 seconds of the video it seems the org is making an attempt to work with animitronic robots. The gestures are overly exaggerated and out of sync with the voice which is halting and lacks the flow of human speech. They have a long way to go. Better to have a human hosting their videos.
let’s say that you haven’t been around a kingdom hall in years and everyone knows you are not a “true believer “ anymore.
yet a tragedy strikes and you want to give a real heartfelt expression of your feelings— what would you say?
would you acknowledge the resurrection hope that the witnesses entertain or say something very different?.
flipper said , " ... because the last thing a JW needs is someone feeding them the delusion that their dead loved one is going to come back again. To do that would be reinforcing their fake, pretend beliefs ..."
I say feed their delusions. What difference does it make? It's their delusion. Who cares what anyone thinks about the condition of the dead?
" He loved golfing. He must be in heaven playing golf." Of course he is Fred, and enjoying every minute of it.
" He always said he wanted to spend eternity fishing. Catching record trout every day." That's where he is Tom, sitting in a row boat right now in that great fishin' hole in the sky.
"He is waiting for the resurrection." That's where he is Homer. Waiting for the resurrection.
See? It's easy. Everybody feels great. No harm done. It's not like your feeding Cotard's Delusion.
our kingdom hall was in a boring town of 30,000 people so to spice things up me and some special pioneers living with us decided to have a fancy dress up party!
what could go wrong?
nice clean fun, and no booze (oh crap!).
Why were the sisters not wearing head covering like the brothers. That's just plain wrong.
so this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
At least L. Ron Hubbard had Lord Xenu and 1,000's of thetans flying out of volcano's to occupy our bodies. That makes a lot more sense that Splane and his overlapping generations crap.
was watching this recently done new history of the society - here it is on youtube if you missed it when it first came out:.
lots of contradictory and nutty comments - for instance stating one minute that 1914 proved such a faith strengthening event because it fulfilled all their predictions, how encouraged they were, and then a few minutes later claiming the opposite - that many were disappointed and shocked because their expectations were not met!.
"...the work would always be advanced through voluntary donations."